From BK Silicon Valley family
Having Sister Shivani come to Bay area, spend time with the BK family and enlighten thousands of souls in the Silicon Valley was a dream for us BKs for many years. The day finally came to light on 1st June, 2018 after 5 months of intense planning, publicity and preparation to make sure everything was as perfect as possible. We lived our dream for the 3 days (1st June to 3rd June) Sister Shivani spent with us and time just flew like the blink of an eye!
Sister Kusum, our mentor, guide and spiritual teacher at Silicon Valley center has with her unshakable faith in Baba and the drama put in years of yog and seva to create our center from nothing to the way it is today- it stands strong with more than 300 souls (most of whom are young couples) and a beautiful place recently purchased to accommodate the ever growing number of students. But above all she has nurtured a spiritual family where love is our language, trust is in our words, sincerity is in our actions and purity is in our thoughts.
Our first event with Sister Shivani was for BK family only at our new center. All of us dressed in white welcomed Sister Shivani into our new center just as she has been in our hearts for all these years. As Sister Shivani walked down the passage, she gave powerful drishti to each of us and we felt the vibrations of not just a white angel but a goddess amongst us. Seeing the beautiful fragrant bouquet of souls, Sister Shivani exclaimed, ‘When students are so good and sincere, automatically our eyes go towards the parent (Sister Kusum) who has nurtured them’. Sister Shivani shared her unique life experiences and also stressed on the importance of having murli class at center everyday (not just on Thursdays & Sundays) in order to create powerful vibrations through collective meditation. She said that attending murli class in center is seva by itself as it can work wonders in inspiring others to come.
For Days 2 and 3, we had four mega events for the public. The topics for the discourse were catered to the growing needs of the the fast paced life in bay area. BK brothers and sisters had put in endless efforts in setting up the auditoriums for the grand events, preparing ticketing booths, prasad (toli) distribution, ushering, decorating the stage, organizing cultural events and numerous other tasks behind the scenes while always having a smile on their faces.
Sister Shivani’s talks attracted more than 2000 people per event and was a huge success! Four back to back events of such a scale happened so smoothly that it reverberated that indeed there was someone doing everything (Baba) making us the instruments to get his tasks achieved. The public as always was thrilled to see Sister Shivani in person and it was a feast to our eyes seeing 2000 souls stand up and clap as she made her way up to the stage. Sister Shivani gave powerful drishti from the stage and created such an ambience of peace that I’m sure every soul felt it and even if they do not come back to learn meditation, they went home with a feeling of peace and happiness that will always remain with them.
In every lecture of Sister Shivani, she introduced the topic in such a pragmatic way that the audience could immediately relate in their daily lives while understanding the core values of baba’s knowledge. Her greatness in explaining baba’s gyan in such a simple yet effective way to the masses is what has created such a big wave in spirituality. She is indeed a ‘Spiritual Engineer’ in Sister Kusum’s words, who can build a bridge to connect hearts, created a dam to stop painful tears from flowing and is an instrument in making millions recognize baba!
With the last event on Sunday night, our beautiful journey with Sister Shivani came to an end. What she has left us with are the invaluable powerful vibrations of her company that will help us take a leap forward towards our spiritual goals. As a start, BK family in Silicon Valley have started everyday murli class at 5am as recommended by sister Shivani. The turn out for the class is by itself proof of what one can achieve when true love for baba is in the heart and willpower is in the mind.
© 2018, Poornima Bahen (Milpitas)