Healthy relationships are a source of energy

BK SHIVANI offers a five-point plan to uplift our consciousness that can help us create harmony in relationships 1.From speaking well to thinking well: Relationships transcend words and behaviour,they depend on the energy exchange of thoughts and feelings.If our words are polite,our behaviour is courteous; when our thoughts are judgemental or...

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Being a Fragrant Flower

Every time I see a flower, especially a rose, it gets me churning about the relationship between a soul and the Supreme Soul. Without the right atmosphere and setting, a rose cannot grow into its perfect form. Each flower blooms in an individual way, i.e. it does not depend on...

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Silence with an Aim

There was an experience I once had in silence that I have treasured and used.  Just as sometimes we go in front of elders to seek blessings, or we go in front of God to seek God's blessings, in the same way I once had a powerful idea come to...

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A Slice of Pizza

Ingredients: Pizza sauce: 3 tbsp tomato paste 1tsp italian herbs Chilli powder to taste 1/2 tsp curry powder 1/2 tsp sugar Salt to taste Dash of pepper Toppings: Mushrooms Pineapples Capsicum Tomatoes Mozarella cheese Chedder cheese Base: 2 cups plain flour 75 grams butter(melted) 1 tsp salt 2 tbs sugar...

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Spiritual Significance of HOLI

The festival of Holi fills us with lots of excitement & enthusiasm. As we know, we get a chance, to experience happiness and bond with our near & dear ones during this time. This festival provides us, an occasion, to express our feelings of love & good wishes. Just as...

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Conscious eating

Conscious eating The happy yogi believes good health is more than just good ingredients. Preparing the food and eating the food while in a state of peace and relaxation soothes the body and allows the digestive organs to function efficiently as they assimilate and distribute nutrients to the cells. In...

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Cultivating values in everyday life

Question: How to cultivate values in everyday life? Answer: Each morning, making time for silence to connect with the inner being gives the experience of the original qualities of the self – which are peace, love, truth, purity and happiness.  As I connect with these innate qualities, and emerge them...

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Serving Every Moment in Busy Life

In context of today’s topic, many great souls like Gandhiji, Mother Teresa, and Martin Luther King come into my memory. They are revered in our hearts because their life mottos were only to benefit others. I fly in high spirits and feel enthusiastic just by reading articles or biographies of...

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Daily Meditation Practices

Here are some meditation practices that may be useful to you on your soul journey.  They can be done alone or with a group, standing or sitting.  It can be for a few minutes or as long as you like.  The main thing is you get into the zone and...

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