We offer free wellbeing webinars or meditation sessions for workplaces.
Please contact us by filling in the following details.

    Select from our popular range of self development and wellbeing topics with a strong mental health focus, from boosting the productivity & quality at work to improving work life balance. The event can be customized as per your needs but typically start with a few minutes of guided meditation, discussion on the topic by engaging the audience and ending with a Q&A session (1 to 2 hrs long).
    1. Overcome the Fear of the Unknown
    2. Busy but Stress Free
    3. Balancing the Work-Life Imbalance
    4. Cultivating a Positive Attitude
    5. Conserving Your Energy
    If you would like to subscribe to our monthly newsletter send us an email at contact@svbrahmakumaris.org
    CLICK HERE to watch our previous wellbeing webinars on youtube