In this modern fast paced world where technology is at our finger tips, we cannot imagine a day without our smart phone or computer. Being able to connect any minute of the day from anywhere in the world has become a basic necessity, not just a luxury. With this prolific application of technology, we’re faced with a constant need to charge our gadgets, otherwise our world comes to a standstill.
We are as invested as our devices, in our family and work, hence the mental drainage that we have today is unfathomable. From morning to night our minds are constantly working without a pause. Are we doing enough to refuel our minds, recharge our souls? A lot of us believe that yoga or exercise is all we need to recharge ourselves but that is not correct. Yes, we do recharge our physical body with a variety of activities may it be going out for some fresh air or eating a healthy diet but the mind that is constantly at play even during the most soothing of activities is hardly ever rejuvenated. As a result, we experience a burst of emotions, sometimes happy and positive and sometimes negative.
Raj Yoga Meditation teaches us to know our true identity that I am a soul not this physical body. Soul is a tiny, metaphysical point of light that is the essence of life. Some call it Soul, energy, consciousness or atma. The intrinsic nature of soul is peace, love, truth, bliss and purity. The soul is unique and eternal. The soul is naturally sweet and loving. The soul is peaceful. The soul holds memories. Just like our physical body has a biological father, the soul’s father is Supreme soul. The Supreme father is a subtle point of light. Unlike human souls, he is beyond the cycle of birth and death and the effects of Karma (actions) that we experience as pleasure or pain. He is the ocean of knowledge, peace, purity and happiness, and above all, he is my Supreme Father and the father of all souls. The moment I realize this, I begin to develop a beautiful relationship with him which is the essence of meditation.
When I am in silence, I visualize myself as a point of light away from this material world and in front of me is the Supreme father who is forever radiating warm and serene light. My soul connects to the Supreme and draws spiritual power. This current of light and power is transmitted directly from the Supreme to my soul and the ‘battery’ of my soul is recharged. All I need to do in meditation is to turn inwards, be in the consciousness of the soul and remember the Supreme Soul. This beautiful connection with the Supreme Father, charges my soul, fills it with power, love, peace, truth and compassion.
Once the soul is charged by the supreme charger, our thoughts, words and actions reflect the positivity that is created in our minds. With this power, we can carry on the day, take care of endless tasks and responsibilities and give the gift of positive energy to other souls. The more we use the power we derive from the divine, the more He replenishes our stock of positive energy. Slowly, we begin so see how we change, how our relationships change and how the nature around us changes for the good. We start tapping into the true potential of our minds and discover the innate qualities of the soul- peace, purity, love, truth and respect. These qualities were once covered in the dust of impurity and body consciousness.
We can connect to the supreme power bank anytime we want, we are just one thought away from connecting to Him. We can meditate in the early morning pristine hours of Amritvela or any other time during the day, and as many times as we want. We can remember Him while working, driving, cooking, walking, anytime we really want, all it takes is the consciousness of the soul and the Supreme Father. It doesn’t cost us anything to charge from the Supreme, but the return we get is a multi-million fold benefit!
Are you ready to take the first step?
© 2019, BK Poornima (Milpitas)