It’s in the meditation that I get close to God and experience a deeper personal relationship with GOD.
It is the only relationship that is everlasting.
God as Father
Experience the love of a Father from God. God wants us not only to be like him but better than him. It’s only a parent who can wish that for his child. We inherit a fortune of happiness just by remembering him. Let's reflect on the love of this ever-loving and forgiving father and how you can make your father proud.
God as Mother
God is the Supreme Mother whose love and mercy is totally accommodating. No matter what has happened, how I am– whether good or bad, I experience unconditional acceptance from this spiritual mother. It is a love that nourishes, empowers, and cleanses. Let's reflect on this love of our spiritual mother and send the love I receive to our near and dear ones and to the entire world.
God as Teacher
God, the ocean of knowledge, has come in this dark age to teach us, his children. He teaches us of our original true self, that we are an embodiment of peace. That we belong to him, that we are his children. We lost our way and that now is the time to follow the teachings given by our teacher to become pure and happy once again. Let's reflect on one such virtue and see how we can become instrument teachers and help God.
God as Beloved
God is my love. He loves me for what I am. He accepts me for what I am. I share a very intimate bond with God. Just like a partner, God is always with me, walking and moving along. He is my long-term support. He is my eternal companion. Reflect and experience the love of God as your beloved and share that love with all the souls who feel lonely and deprived of love.
God as Friend
I consider God as my friend. Just like the way I am open with my friends, I will be open with God. I can have a conversation with him on anything and at any time. Whenever I am happy or sad or make a mistake, I can go and open up to him. He is my true friend, who provides the support I need at any instance, no matter what the situation. Let's reflect on this true friendship with God and open up to him on anything that you would like to share with him.
God as Child
I consider God as my child. Just like a parent who gives everything to his child, I give all that I have to God, my child. Like a parent who puts their child before everything, I put God first. Experience and reflect on God being your child, and experience the joy of a parent to a child who brings joy to the entire world. Share his innocent love and good wishes to all the souls who are in need.
God as Guide
God is my guide. He is showing me the way to the truth. He is making me the master of my own self and in turn gain mastery over life. He is guiding me back to our lost kingdom where there is just happiness and abundance. Let's reflect on how I can imbibe this guidance given by God and guide others.
A relationship with God is incomplete without His remembrance in the right way. But as a student of the Brahma Kumaris, what we learn here is a complete description of who we are and also about God and His spiritual form, His qualities and extremely importantly His role of the present time. Raja Yoga means the Supreme Link, or having a relationship with God.
So go ahead, learn Raja Yoga meditation and enjoy a deeper relationship with the One above!
© 2020, Br. BK Keith