The Soul has eight powers and seven innate qualities (Virtues) inherited from the Father, the Supreme soul (God). These qualities are Purity, Peace, Love, Joy, Bliss, Power and Knowledge. Those who are soul-conscious and have transformed their True Self with Raj Yoga meditation know how to apply the right power at the right time and in the right situation. These easy yogis always fly high with their wings of zeal and enthusiasm, and they remain double light in any situation.
Having knowledge and having committed to a Spiritual journey how is it that not everyone is an easy yogi? What are the leakages and how to prevent them?
Signs/Symptoms of Leakage:
- Even though I am making good efforts, why am I not content?
- Why can’t I retain my flying state all the time?
- Why do I feel a lack at times and other times full?
- Why was I Intoxicated by the experience of remembrance, and after some time become disheartened?
- Why is my energy draining so quickly? What is draining my energy?
- Why Can't I experience constant Gods’ company naturally and need to Labor?
- Why can’t I control my senses and make them subservient?
- Why do I have Jealousy and dislike others?
- Why is my meditation fluctuating and not all powerful?
- Why Can't I use the Virtues/powers at the right time?
- Why do I lack Love? Why do I Lack Faith in Drama? Why am I hurt ?
- Why do I make so many games of excuses?
And so on and on and on …
These are nothing but symptoms or signs that there are Leakages. What happens when there is Leakage? There is no contentment, and we feel intoxicated for a minute, and the next minute we feel disheartened. An empty bucket will never get full if there are holes and leakages. Similarly, on one side we are pouring so many good things (Ex: Amritvela, Murli, Yoga, etc.) into the bucket of soul and making good efforts, but those efforts are being drained off right away.
We feel like we are making progress by taking a step forward and yet sometimes we step backward, after years of practice – we remain where we started the journey. This is called “Leakage”.
All of us are on the Spiritual journey. Just as when we go from one place to another dirt gets accumulated on the body and clothes. In a similar manner, the Soul is on the journey of time and the dirt of thoughts and impurities get accumulated quickly if we don’t pay attention. These could be wasteful thoughts, negative thoughts, thoughts of blaming others, thoughts of sorrow and thoughts of inferiority, thoughts of superiority, etc. These can deplete our energies so quickly. When there is a leakage, then, no matter how much effort you make or how hard you try, you cannot become powerful.
One needs to pay close attention to catch any leakages. Some are visible and known, some are not so visible because of subtleties.
Different Types of Leakages:
The lists of leakages are endless. When there is the slightest attachment of any type to a person, objects, or comforts in our thoughts, words, or deeds that would be called Leakage. These Leakages that we experience could be of both physical (senses) and subtle (Mind & Intellect) levels.
- “I’ ness and “My” ness
- “Lack of something”, “Low Energy”
- “Wave of sorrow”, “Fear”, “Guilt” & “Worry”,
- “Waste thoughts”, “Five Vices”, “Criminal Eyes”, “Gossip”
- “Extrovert”, “Unending Complaints”
- “Attraction of Old world”, “Old Sanskars/patterns/habits”
- “Boredom”, “Self-doubt
- “Carelessness”, “Problem-Oriented”
- “Digital/Social Media Consumption”
so on and so forth.
So, Check and Change:
If too much time & attention is watered on leakages, then leakages grow. So just check and then in a second change by changing consciousness because the seed of all these leakages is false identities.
It’s vital that One must introspect and find themselves on what are their leakages and the reasons for those leakages are. At the same time be very careful & see them objectively and not personally. Because the all-powerful and all generous God is here to awaken the soul to its eternal truth and not improve character in the drama. Once the soul is awake it will naturally reflect through the character
Now, how to prevent leakages?
The first step is that Use paras Intellect (Clean and Clear Intellect):
When all attention and awareness is focused on strengthening and cleansing this Intellect all the leakages / Ravana's 10 heads get burnt at the seed level with the shift in consciousness. This shift in consciousness and perspective makes the invisible reality real and the artificial world of drama be seen as a drama and not reality.
****Most important is to get the first step right****
The second step is to pay a lot of attention and be aware:
Renounce everything that is wasteful and put a Bindu i.e., a full stop and merge in God’s love and become a point of light. “Roop me Bindu….Gunomein Sindu”.
The third step is to Check and Change:
Do not waste time, chit-chat, gossip, Digital/social media consumption, etc.
The fourth step is to become Knowledge-Full :
Those who are very clever and knowledge-full can catch the leakage known/unknown. If they are not knowledge-full they continue to search for the leakage. All the leakage is because of confusion of seeing this world as one's permanent home and seeing the self as a permanent character in the story and all our bodily relations as real.
The fifth Step is Love & Connection with ONE GOD:
Once with Paras Intellect, we start shifting our consciousness that the soul is not bound by limited joys and sorrows of the world. And needs nothing from this world and all relationships are with God i.e., “One BABA and None other”. When we pour this knowledge and goodness into the soul every day, life is blessed with joy, bliss, blessings, and powers.
“A Soul that is conscious and Aware lives with God”.
Preventative measures in day-to-day life:
Save yourself from wastage and become powerful. Where there is wastage, there isn’t the slightest power whereas where there is the power it is not possible for anything to go to waste. If the treasures are going to waste, you cannot receive power.
- The start of the day is Amritvela. It must be powerful. Begin every day as a new day…a new morning…New efforts…New Life… New everything. New beginning. Leave the past behind and let my past not color my future. Begin the day with this attitude and feelings then there is a lot of zeal and enthusiasm in everything we do. The key here is Consistency. The last thought of my sleep is my first thought of the day. Hence Pay attention and be aware before going to sleep. Plan and make it a habit to improve your sleep quality. Then Amritvela will be natural and powerful.
- Detached Observer: One who is detached actively observes the scenes of drama as it unfolds and be stable and powerful even when distractions are around.
- Practice Traffic control/JAM Session: Check, Change and Charge yourself every hour of the day to pause even if it's just for a few seconds to connect to GOD. Do not accumulate waste through the day and drain your energy with waste but instead cleanse every hour and shift our awareness from “BODY-CONSCIOUSNESS” to “SOUL-CONSCIOUSNESS”.
- Thoughts & Words & Deeds should be in Equilibrium: Brahmin life is a journey within. We must go deep inside. Pay special attention to our code of conduct – thoughts, words, and deeds. It’s always pure thought and pure feelings that drive the pure action and this is what matters. Hence, I the Soul - The True self who is the embodiment of truth naturally sees as God sees, thinks as God thinks, speaks as God Speaks and feels as God feels and experiences what God experiences. Just go into the experience of this truth again and again. Even if it's just for a few seconds accurately. Yes, it's slippery but accurate soul consciousness is the only way to finish Maya's leakages.
- Silence and Solitude: The more you are in the company with Supreme, the more concentrated and can spray good fragrance around you and others. The key for concentration is Solitude – Sitting in Silence
- Daily Chart & Gratitude: I am thankful to all those who are in my life and to my country and have no complaints about anyone. Spend few mins every day thanking people and God just in gratitude
- Holy Company: Check how much time I am in the company of God vs. outside world temptations? Keeping the company of highly spiritual Gyan and Yog. Staying focused.
And finally, The Bestower of Fortune is the One who creates fortune. When the Bestower of Fortune is creating fortune, a soul’s power cannot shake the fortune in front of God’s power. All of those are just games of excuses and leakages.
Remind yourself WHO you are, WHO you belong to and WHO belongs to you, and WHAT will be your inheritance.
Baba said, “Mohabat hai to mehnat nahin” (Where there is love, there is no labor). And every power (Shakti) and every virtue (gun) should become our natural nature. Therefore, check whether it is subservience because of love, or subservience because of leakages.
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