In today’s world, it is considered to be a fortune to “be loved”. Have we ever wondered what great fortune it is to be loved by the Supreme Beloved or the Divine? To be able to experience the purest form of love that is enriching and empowering is a wonderful thing and this is “True Love”. It is the most benevolent nurturing that the self/soul can receive. This love is limitless and never fades away, remains evergreen and brings out the precious essence embedded in the innermost core of each one of us. Divine love has no boundaries or expectations, hence is always giving to us and accepts us as we are. This love provides the self a strong foundation to be able to rise beyond our weaknesses or shortcomings and create a better version of the self.
Divine love is refreshing to the soul as the colorful spring meadows and fresh mountain breeze, it gives the strength and stability as tall and strong as the mountain peaks to face any adversity in life. This love is as gentle and soothing as the flowing stream, rekindling not just the self but also others who are part of our life. It is as generous and open as the ocean. The more we indulge in this divine love and dive deeper into this ocean of love the more treasures we discover within ourselves.
This love has the power to transform barren land into green pastures and can transform our minds with thorny qualities into that with fragrant flowers of virtues. It colors our life like a rainbow with the colorful qualities of peace, happiness, purity, love, might, enlightenment and bliss. By becoming embodiments of it we enjoy the fruit of contentment within and are also able to share it with others with a generous heart.
It is that love that is always forgiving, it is the love that is giving altruistically, allowing deep introspection and thereby self-empowerment. It is an invisible hand of support, which guides you and takes you across, makes you invincible in this journey of life. This love is eternal and resourceful that the soul can lean on it even in the hardest times in life, and get that inner ability and stability to overcome any situation with ease and dignity.
And yet, why is it so elusive, that we are not able to be lost in this experience? It is the mere loss of awareness or access to the self that makes us turn away from such an elevated treasure store. I think it is time now for us to move away from the chase of finding love from others, which is temporary and fleeting like a mirage and regain the lost access that is within our reach to enjoy the ecstatic happiness obtained from divine love/true love.
The best part is the love of the divine knows no boundaries, and it is up to us how much we want to experience it and benefit from it. It is all-inclusive. So, why not give our selves the fortune of this love and color our lives with it at all times.
Let’s make God, our true and most beloved Valentine! Wish you all a Godly Valentine Day!
© 2019, BK Sri Divya