The Mantra for attaining Liberation and Liberation in Life: “Nirakaari, Nirvikaari, Nirahankaari” (Bodiless, Vice less and Ego less)
For Centuries, Mankind had the quench for attaining Moksha or Mukti (Liberation), which is referred to as freedom of the soul/spirit from the bondage of Karma. It has highest relevance in today’s world looking at the universal spread of sorrow and despair spread across all corners of the world. Even ordinary people with out much spiritual or religious inclination are yearning for freedom from suffering of one form or another.
So, it is at this time the Highest on high Supreme soul, descends and imparts this true knowledge of Gita for the upliftment of humanity. The Supreme being takes support of the body of Dada Lekhraj, renamed as Prajapita Brahma (Father of Humanity) and gives this nectar of knowledge which is magical in causing positive transformation in the soul. This is the elixir for the soul to have zenith of realization about the self and Supreme source.
Simple yet profound teaching to consider oneself as an eternal, invincible, pure, peaceful, powerful, blissful and loving conscient being of spiritual light is the first teaching given by the Supreme father. It is not mere knowing of this truth but believing in it and living it practically that will create a difference. This awareness of being a spiritual being even for a few moments fills the self with so much power and stability, it almost instantaneously frees the soul from the bondage of the body, bodily relations and weak tendencies of fear, worry, pain etc.
It is this awareness of being a bodiless being that makes the self strong and powerful to gain victory over the pull of five physical senses of the body and also over the five vices. In fact, it is these five vices of lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego, which are the root cause of all the misery and suffering of humanity for Ages and sorrow of today’s world. It is this state of freedom from vices (Nirvikaari sthithi) is the true Mukti/liberation souls have been yearning for a long time. When a soul is free from influence of vices it experiences liberation in life, that is liberation while playing it’s role in life with in the world drama.
Being egoless (Nirahankaari) is a final state of consciousness where in the soul is in a blissful state with complete recognition of the self, realization of the Supreme Bestower, God and is filled with gratitude and love for God, for entire family of souls and also for the wonderful drama of life. No trace of limited ego or ego of achievement/illusion remains. It is this final state when the soul is in it’s original stage and complete, beyond any effect of action of the role. It is also called as Karmateet stage or stage of perfection where in we transcend from human to angelic consciousness.
Prajapita Brahma is fondly referred to as Brahma Baba (by many who received his help) has reached this stage of perfection and is a practical example in front of us to see how God’s teachings can result in the highest transformation in the self. It is a state of mind where in we are able to understand, connect and experience a deep practical relation with the Supreme soul and experience his divine qualities and supersensous joy. In this stage, we become angels and God’s helpers by manifesting innate qualities of peace, love, truth, happiness and harmony in every action.
These most powerful words “Bodiless, viceless and egoless” are the last precious words spoken by Brahma Baba before he left his mortal body and ascended into the angelic realm.
Let us take this opportunity of Brahma Baba’s Remembrance day to ponder deeply with in as to the significance of these words in our lives and how they can help us on our journey to perfection and liberation/liberation in life.
© 2020, BK Sri Divya