The festival of Holi fills us with lots of excitement & enthusiasm. As we know, we get a chance, to experience happiness and bond with our near & dear ones during this time. This festival provides us, an occasion, to express our feelings of love & good wishes. Just as others do to us. Of course over & above all this, we all know, it is also a festival of colors, which we apply on one & all.
We all have played Holi in our own sweet ways till now. We would have applied colors to many people too. This time however, let us celebrate differently. Let us bring about newness in the way we have been celebrating, this great festival. Let us play a different holy an even better holi. In fact if we bring about this small change in our celebrations, it will bring about permanent excitement, enthusiasm, thrill, joy & other positive feelings that this festival brings with us.
Now what could that different Holi, be? Let’s start with colors. Yes we will apply colors this time too but a different color. This year onwards, let us play Holi using eco-friendly colors only. Colors made from natural vegetative substances, which do not cause any harm to any body’s body. So the first different holi that I will play will be — ” with eco-friendly colors only”. Let us all pledge, not to play or encourage anyone to play holi, with colors made from dangerous chemicals or any such substances. By ensuring this I am making a big contribution towards worry free Holi. Not only for self but also to the society at large. Now, Isn’t that in line with the true spirit of Holi? No worries, only happiness.
The colors that we apply on to each other make all of us look colorful. Even our faces are not spared from colors during this festival. However a thought arises, can I use this occasion to make myself look beautiful & that too for lifetime? If so how? The answer is yes & actually that is what true holi stands for.
We all know, our face is a reflection of what feelings lie inside us. It is impossible to hide our feelings on a sustained basis. When I feel happy, peaceful inside, my face reflects the same & I look beautiful. People too like to be around me. When I am unhappy, depressed, tensed, that too gets reflected on my face. We would have experienced, sometimes even our near & dear ones, tend to avoid us when negative emotions get displayed on our face. Hence true beauty lies within. i.e. in inculcating positive feelings in each one of us. This festival of holi tells us – please do exactly that. When we inculcate positive feelings, we end up sharing the same color at home, with our society & world at large. This kind of sharing brings about true bonding with one & all. After all who would not like to be with someone who is happy & peaceful. So how do I inculcate positive feelings?
The expression Holi is captured in English language as H-O-L-Y or Holy. This word signifies purity. Purity means — without vices. So this great festival of Holi, is telling us to gain control over these vices. When we do that, we experience true peace & happiness within. This has been spelt out in scriptures also. This Holi let us take a pledge to get rid of ourselves, of these vices. Someone without these vices is naturally beautiful.
Also in Hindi language, the word when split looks like HO — LI. Which means, “It has got over” or things of the past. Sometimes, we harbor bitter & negative experiences of the past in us, unnecessarily. This festival reminds us to not dwell in the negative experiences of the past. Rather have an attitude whatever has happened in the past has happened, now let me make my future better & bright. When this thinking comes in us, we inculcate positive feelings of hope, faith, love, forgiveness, tolerance. This in turn colors our face with positive feelings. Such colors remain with us for life time.
So friends this time let us play a different Holi a true Holi. A Holi played with “eco-friendly colors”, a holy where in I inculcate qualities of purity & a Holi wherein I let go negative events of the past. All things first happen in the mind, let us color our minds with above thoughts this Holi.
Source: http://www.brahmakumaris.com