Q&A with Dadi Janki.
“I make a point of creating thoughts and feelings of happiness, peace and benevolence, which make me feel better – not worse.”
How can I not worry when my body is unwell?
Our response to pain can cause as much distress as the pain itself – so we need to learn how to use our minds to help, not hinder, our recovery. I have spent many years both as a nurse and a patient, and have seen how silence works alongside science in the healing process.
I can use the power of my mind to step back from what is happening in my body. By observing what is happening, instead of being caught up in it, I free myself from negative thoughts and feelings. I make a point of creating thoughts and feelings of happiness, peace and benevolence, which make me feel better – not worse.
It is important not to suppress what is in my heart, as this can impede healing. Let me listen to my heart with love and honesty. Honesty gives me spiritual power to deal with the situations I have to face. But I must be careful not to take on sorrow, for that weakens me. If I keep having pure, positive thoughts and good wishes for myself and for others, then I will be cared for, I will receive power and my mind will become strong and in this way I will help the body to heal.
Dadi Janki is Administrative Head of the Brahma Kumaris. She is also President of the Janki Foundation for Global Health Care, a UK–based charity that researches and promotes a values–based model of modern health care, offering improved understanding in response to suffering and encouraging the development of positive thoughts and attitudes. www.jankifoundation.org
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