Water, as we all know, is essential for life both as an individual and also collectively for life on earth. It is the unique feature of the earth that makes it habitable for life.
At an individual level, water constitutes about an average of 60% (ranging from 50-75%) of our human body making it essential to maintain good health. For the same reason, it also helps in preventing and treating even chronic conditions like autoimmune diseases let alone common diseases like dehydration. We all are concerned about consuming healthy and organic food to keep ourselves healthy. Do we pay similar attention to replenishing the most vital nutrient of our body i.e. water?
Water constitutes more than 70% of major organs in our body such as the brain, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, and blood. Physiologically water is essential for several functions such as 1) regulation of body temperature, 2) medium for digestion of food 3) transport of nutrients to different organs in the body, 4) elimination of waste and toxins from the body 5) production of hormones and enzymes 6) lubrication of joints and for shock absorption in brain and spinal cord. In essence, water is essential for the survival, growth, and reproduction of every individual cell in our body.
Some of the problems, which we think are chronic, can be prevented and treated with adequate water intake. Drinking adequate quantity of water has been well-proven treatment in common ailments such as dehydration, renal stones, urinary tract infections, indigestion, constipation, and migraine. In addition, lack of water is an important factor in chronic conditions like arthritis, autoimmune processes such as rheumatism and eczema, fluctuations in blood pressure, metabolic disorders like obesity, premature aging, and also chronic fatigue.
In general, we need to drink at least 2.5 to 3.5 Liters of clean, filtered/purified water every day (with exception of people with certain chronic conditions such as heart failure, renal failure and some others where water intake is to be limited as per physician advice). It is also important when and how we drink this water during the day. Drinking plain filtered water is the best way to replenish the water content in our bodies. Drinking up to 1-1.5 L of Luke warm water on an empty stomach early in the morning works as a powerful detox for our body, also relieves constipation and in turn prevents many chronic conditions that arise from indigestion. Drinking water at least 30 min before meals are also beneficial, especially for achieving weight loss.
Drinking large quantities of water with food or immediately after a meal is not recommended as it will impair and delay the digestion process. Though we do have a significant amount of water in other beverages such as cold drinks, teas, and juices, as it is mixed with other ingredients such as sugars, preservatives and chemicals consumption of water in these forms is counterproductive to our health in many ways.
Another important aspect of how we drink water is based on a more subtle and spiritual level acting at the level of the vibrational energy of water. To understand this concept, we have to look at the underlying principle behind the well-believed practices of drinking Amrit or Theertham in Hindu temples, use of Holy water in Christianity and blessed water or sanctified water in other religions such as Buddhism, Sikhism. The common principle in all the above practices is that chanting of holy verses in remembrance of God sanctifies water. This water is believed to have the power of curing various mental and physical health problems and also used as a purifier. This has also been shown in experiments by Masaru Emoto, that when positive thoughts such as Love and gratitude are focused on the water the nature of water changes.
By making a consistent practice of creating positive thoughts of love, peace, gratitude, and in remembrance of God with focus on the water for a few seconds prior to drinking water we can create a positive impact on both our spiritual and physical health. So, when we consume clean and pure drinking water in adequate amounts in remembrance of God with a positive attitude we will see the manifold benefits of it for ourselves. There are no side effects in trying this new habit this spring if you are not into it yet.
© 2019, BK Sri Divya